Merchandising provides a means to manually promote products within a query’s results, add products to a query’s results, or blacklist products so they are not returned within the results for a specific query.
Query Search Box
This search box functions the same way your shop’s search box functions and will produce the same result set that will appear on your site.
The Merchandised Queries list shows a paginated list of all queries containing promoted or prohibited products along with the refinements for each of those queries. Selecting one of the queries takes you into the details of the query as though you had run it from the Search Queries box.
Once you perform a search the refinements (filters) that are relevant for that specific search will be listed here. You can use the filters to see the result sets of specific scenarios (a search plus refinement answers).
Gallery View / List View
You will be able to see the search results for a particular query or scenario on either tab. You will also be able to promote and blacklist products manually per search term or scenario.
Promoting Products
To promote a product you select it from the results list which will open the product details to the right. You can then either drag and drop the product from the results list to the Promoted products in Query section or you can click the Star in the Product Details on the right. You must click Save to have the changes saved. You can also drag and drop the products within the Promoted Products in Query section to control the order they are returned in.
Prohibiting Products
To prohibit a product you must select the product in the results list and then click the Minus icon in the Product Details to the right. This product will then not be returned for that query.
Blacklisting a product will remove it only from the selected query, not from the site search as a whole. In order to remove a product from the search entirely, you must remove it from your data feed.
Blacklisted products will not appear in the results. To remove them from the blacklist you will need to click the Filter icon and select the Prohibited filter so they can be seen by you. Then you need to unselect the Minus icon in the product details.
Add Products
Clicking this button will allow you to add products to the query or scenario.
- Once the results appear, click on the Add Products tab and use the search for the product search box to search by SKU or product name and find the product you want to add.
- You can then go back to the search results tab to see the new product.