
Mapping Rules

The mapping rules feature was designed to allow you the utmost flexibility in tweaking categories under the Catalog section and populating Virtual Categories. The mapping rules will assist you in mapping the right set of product that will either belong to a category or be excluded from it.

Here is an example of using Mapping Rules. Let’s assume the annual beer festival is near and you want to create a virtual category to promote related products. You want to populate this category with beer glasses, bottle openers and Beer Fest T-shirts. To achieve this goal you can create the following mapping rule:

  • Include the Beer Glasses, bottle openers, and Beer Fest T-shirts categories
  • Exclude wine bottle openers and wine glasses

Mapping Rules - Add

Edit Mapping Rule

Click the Edit button to edit existing mapping rules.

Delete Mapping Rule

Click the Delete button to permanently delete a mapping rule after clicking the Continue button in the system safety message:

Mapping Rules - Confirm Delete

Include Products

The “Include” section of the mapping rule lists all categories, products or text phrases that will be included in this category.

Exclude Products

The Exclude section of a mapping rule lists all categories, products or text phrases that will be excluded from this category.

Create a New Mapping Rule

To create a new mapping rule, click the Add Mapping Rule option.

In the Rule name field, enter a free text as the rule name. This name will be displayed in the mapping rules list.

Category Product List

This section lists all the products this category was populated with. Each product entry will list its name and price as displayed in the site. Selecting a product in the list and clicking View Details will pop up the SKU, Description, Categories and product image.

Mapping Rules - Category Product List

Virtual Category Section

A Virtual Category is an excellent merchandising tool, allowing you to instantly add categories to your store without manipulating your data file/catalog. This can be used to enrich your catalog by regrouping products in new ways that support new interest points in your shop, or to support campaigns, for example:

There are 15 models of shoes on which you have the best profit margin. You want to promote them for the last week of the month to ensure a good bottom line. To do that you can create a Virtual Category and populate it with these shoes, then - create a category promotion campaign where this virtual category will be promoted to the top of the search result set!

Mapping Rules - Virtual Category Section

Categories Section Search Box

You can search for a category in your Virtual Category section by typing the category name in the search box. The auto complete function will complete your typing according to existing categories in this section:

Select the category you are looking for by clicking on it and then on the search button. The system will locate the category and display it colored in blue:

The category's product list will be displayed on the right side.

Create Virtual Category

To create a new Virtual Category, select the level you wish the new Virtual Category to appear on:

If you want the new Virtual Category to be a category, click on the Virtual Category List and then proceed as instructed.

If you want the new Virtual Category to be a subcategory, click on the category you want it to be placed under and then proceed as instructed.

Click on the Create Virtual Category option. The system will ask you to name your new virtual category. Type the name you wish to give the new Virtual Category, set the Status to Enabled and enter any Synonyms then click the Save button.

Mapping Rules - Create Virtual Category

Once you click the create button, the new Virtual Category will appear in your Virtual Categories Tree.

To populate your new Virtual Category with the relevant products you can either create mapping rules (see the Mapping Rules section) or add specific products using the Add Products button.

Virtual Categories Tree

The Virtual Category tree displays your Virtual Category tree as you created it. Clicking on any section of the tree will color it blue and open the Virtual Category details view for this category.

Virtual Category Name

This is the name you entered for the Virtual Category you created. You can edit the name by typing the new name in the Category Name field.

Virtual Category Status Setting

The status will allow you to determine if a Virtual Category is enabled or disabled. The default condition is "Enabled". Disabling a category means the category and all the products under it will no longer be used by the system to identify matching products following a search query.

Delete Category Option

Clicking the Delete option will allow you to permanently delete a Virtual Category from your solution. As soon as you click the Continue button in the safety message, the system will display:

Mapping Rules - Delete Virtual Category

Synonym Editing

You can easily add synonyms to the Virtual Category you selected by typing the synonyms in the synonym box, then clicking the Add button.

To edit the category's synonyms, click on the Edit option.

You can't edit a synonym’s text. To change the text you need to delete the synonym and enter the new synonym you want to add.

Display in Refinement Option

A Virtual Category can be displayed in the refinements. In this case, the "Display in Refinements” drop down must be set to Yes. A Virtual Category must have at least two sub-categories in order to be displayed as a refinement, since no refinement can be done using a single option.

If you wish the Virtual Category to be used only for merchandising campaigns, the Display in refinements drop down will be set to No.


If the category you selected has a campaign associated with it, its details will appear on the category details area: The campaign name, the campaign dates and the campaign status.

Virtual Category Product List

This section lists all the products populating this Virtual Category. Each product entry will list its name and price as displayed in the site. Clicking View Details will pop up the SKU, categories and product image.

To remove a product from the product list, select the product and click Remove Product.

Refinements Section

Refinements are the selectable options shown to further refine the results list when a user does a search. If you click on the top level in the Refinements tree the details section will show you the sort order. You can use Edit in the Details section to change the order. The three sort orders are:

  • Best Match: The search engine uses its algorithms to determine the order in which the refinements will appear for each search term.
  • Manual: You can set a specific order to the refinements.
  • Partial: Set during the initial configuration and configured off platform by Celebros services

Catalog - Refinements

Refinement Section Search Box

You can search for a category in your “Refinements” section by typing the category name in the search box. The auto complete function will complete your typing according to existing categories in this section.

Select the category you are looking for by clicking on it and then on the search button. The system will locate the category and display it colored in blue.

Refinement Details Section

This section displays the Sort Order and Status for the refinement you have selected.

There are four different answer sorting options for each refinement question. The default is algorithmic:

The different sort options are as follows:

  • Manual: Allows you to manually sort the options in whatever order you would like via up down buttons.
  • Alphabetic: This sorts the options alphabetically.
  • Algorithmic: This sorts the options according to the Celebros system algorithm which takes into account the number of products covered and the spread of products between answers.
  • Numeric: This sorts the options according to which option contains the highest amount of products. So the option with the most products will show first, then second most, etc.

Imported Section

The Imported section displays the original structure of your shop's catalog as it is sent to us by you. This section is read only and no changes can be made.